Hello everyone! I noticed some of you were needing old GameStorm files! I've recently began trying to gather as many games, and versions of the games, from GameStorm that I can. Here is my first collection of them! The splatterball files, and spellbinder files, from this forum were included as well, and credit was given! Aliens Online, and Godzilla Online are both included as well!

Hopefully I can gather more and more of these files over time, so that they aren't lost to history.
The GoogleDrive preview doesn't work because I used 7zip to compress them. Just click the download link below, and claim the files! I also did a virus scan on them all to make sure they were all good to go, and everything came back fine! Lastly, as I'm sure most of you are aware, these games are very old, and some don't work correctly, or at all, but it's a good start to the GameStorm Collection...I hope!
*there are still multiple games, not included, that I need a windows 95 machine to get the files from the .exes. But i'll do that in the future.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0mqP5 ... dPSjA/view