[Hook64] Version

This forum contains the patch notes of much older versions.

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[Hook64] Version

Postby Sorien » 9:34 am, Wed Aug 31, 2016

  • General
  • Made it so that if you accidentily mess up a Hook64 command to where it would be sent as a chat message, it will just be blocked instead.
  • Should have fixed the problem where some anti-viruses will flag it as malicious.
  • Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the hook dll was unable to load if your Windows username contained a non-ansi character.
Tree of Savior
  • Additions
  • Added command: /crystal
    Spawns a stamina crystal on top of you. Can be used once every 60 seconds.
  • Fixes
  • Tweaked /god *again*
Download Hook64: http://download.gamemodi.net/Hook64.zip

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