[Hook64] Version

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[Hook64] Version

Postby Sorien » 9:15 am, Wed Aug 24, 2016

  • General
  • Increased DLL load timeout from 5s to 15s for specific PC situations.
  • Fixes
  • Fixed an error where messages containing escapable characters weren't printing properly.
Tree of Savior
  • Changes
  • Changed the /aoe command: /aoe [range]
    Toggles the aoe hack or sets the range if already toggled on.
    If you omit the range argument while toggled on, it will be toggled off otherwise it will toggle on with a default of 100 range.
  • Changed the /bd and /ba commands.
    /ba now shows the damage the item will add.
    You can now toggle /ba and /bd off by typing /ba or /bd with no item class.
  • Additions
    Added an error when trying to start Tree of Savior if the same game client is open already.
    Added/Changed all of the lua api, the following is a list of all current Hook64 Lua API functions:

    Hook64.MessageBox(string text, string caption = "Hook64")
    Return: N/A
    Displays a windows messagebox.

    Hook64.Sleep(int milliseconds)
    Return: N/A
    Sleeps and blocks the current thread for x milliseconds.

    Return: Boolean x3 (Alt, Ctrl, Shift)
    Returns a boolean for alt, ctrl, and shift for whether they're down or not.

    Hook64.TogglePatch(string patchname)
    Return: PatchState (0 = Invalid, 1 = Original, 2 = Patched)
    Toggles the specified memory patch and returns the result.

    Return: N/A
    Reloads all Hook64 settings and scripts.

    Return: Context
    Returns the current context.

    Hook64.Game.RunScript(string script)
    Return: Boolean
    Run the game script and returns whether or not there was an error.

    Hook64.Game.PrintText(string message)
    Return: N/A
    Prints the specified message in the chat window.

    Return: N/A
    Toggles the multijump hack.

    Return: N/A
    Toggles the floating hack.

    Hook64.TOS.ToggleAoEHack(int range = 100)
    Return: N/A
    Toggles the AoE hack with the specified range.

    Hook64.TOS.CrashPlayer(string familyname)
    Return: N/A
    Attempts to crash the specified player family name.

    Hook64.TOS.EquipAttackHack(string itemclassname)
    Return: N/A
    Activates the boost attack hack with the specified item class name.

    Hook64.TOS.EquipDefenseHack(string itemclassname)
    Return: N/A
    Activates the boost defense hack with the specified item class name.

    Return: Number
    Returns the current custom /eqs slot number.

    Hook64.TOS.SetEquipSlot(int slotid)
    Return: N/A
    Sets the current custom /eqs slot number.

    Hook64.TOS.UnEquip(int slotid)
    Return: N/A
    Unequips the specified slot id. If the slot id is omitted, then all items are unequipped.

    Hook64.TOS.ForceInvite(string familyname)
    Return: N/A
    Attempts to force invite the specified player family name to your party.

    Hook64.TOS.ForceChangeJob(int jobid)
    Return: N/A
    Attempts to change your job to the specified job id.

    Return: N/A
    Attempts to resurrect you.

    Return: N/A
    Prints a list of items in your inventory with their name, id, and class name.

    Return: N/A
    Prints a list of all quests able to be started/completed.

    Return: N/A
    Prints a list of all of your abilities and skills.

    Return: N/A
    Crashes your channel.

    Return: N/A
    Rewinds you to a previous point.

    Hook64.TOS.Warp(string mapid/mapname/mapclassname)
    Return: N/A
    Warps you to the specified map.

    Hook64.TOS.QuestWarp(int questid, string warptype = Start)
    Return: N/A
    Warps you to the specified quest id. Warp types are: Start, Prog, and End.

    Return: N/A
    Warps you to Klaipeda.

    Return: N/A
    Opens a shop you can sell items with.

    Return: N/A
    Opens the TP shop.

    Return: N/A
    Opens the gem management window.

    Hook64.TOS.Skill(int skillid)
    Return: N/A
    Attempts to use the specified skill id.

    Hook64.TOS.BuyItem(int shopitemid, int amount = 1)
    Return: N/A
    Attempts to buy the specified shop item id and opens the shop window.

    Return: N/A
    Prints your map location.

    Hook64.TOS.StartQuest(int questid)
    Return: N/A
    Attempts to start the specified questid.

    Hook64.TOS.AbandonQuest(int questid)
    Return: N/A
    Attempts to abandon the specified questid.

    Hook64.TOS.SetAttackSpeed(float speed)
    Return: N/A
    Sets your attack speed.

    Return: N/A
    Toggles the reveal map hack.

    Return: N/A
    Reveals all npcs on the current map temporarily.
Download Hook64: http://download.gamemodi.net/Hook64.zip

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