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New Magestorm

Posted: 9:00 pm, Fri Mar 17, 2017
by Silly

Is a new Magestorm in the works? Where all radical ideas can be implemented? Taking bits here and there and filling in the gaps from some other engine...?

We already know that the network was reverse engineered...? Isn't there a way to get around all this "Not Possible" stuff?

Usually, if the answer is "not possible", it generally is possible!

Re: New Magestorm

Posted: 9:46 pm, Fri Mar 17, 2017
by Barren
I'm working on a new client - planning to have a playable demo by the end of the year

Re: New Magestorm

Posted: 1:06 am, Sat Mar 18, 2017
by Slick
no idea when i'll have anything to show. looks good though! i'm a stickler for details is my dilemma. everything is done, but stretched over multiple projects...

the reason things are "not possible" is because there is no source for the original magestorm client.

Re: New Magestorm

Posted: 4:10 am, Sat Mar 18, 2017
by Kuraokami
Silly, when they say "not possible," they mean not realistically able to be reasonably done. Without client source code, you're looking at dozens to hundreds of hours to try and make even the most simple and minor changes. For things such as guild tabs, which are composed of a bunch of complex changes, you're looking at probably a thousand+ man hours. It's just not a reasonable amount of time considering the reward. Kinda like if someone told you it's not possible to screw Kim Kardashian... It's possible, but it would be kinda retarded to spend the entirety of ones life trying to nail her just to end up eventually screwing an 80 year old fugly and broke and irrelevant Kim Kardashian lol